Prof. Dr. Julius Wess (1934-2007), Chair of Mathematical Physics LMU and Director of MPI-Werner Heisenberg, Munich, was one of the founders of the theory of Supersymmetry. In year 2003 he was one of the founders of SEENET-MTP Network and the first Coordinator of its Scientific-Advisory Committee. Julius Wess was one of the most influental mathematical and theoretical physicist in the second half of the 20th century and he made some of the crucial contributions to the Supersymmetric particle model, as well as to the new branches of mathematical physics as: Noncommutative geometry, Quantum groups and Quantum deformation. Julius Wess had many collaborators all over the world. He paid a lot of attention to support physicists and scientists from developing countries. He initiated a program “Wissenschaftler in globaler Verantwortumg” in 1999, focused on the countries of Ex-Yugoslavia. He was able to initiate a program for establishing the modern Intranet systems at Faculties of Sciences in Serbia, provided numerous fellowships for younger researchers and PhD students, first of all from SEE countries, organized the first high-level conferences in Serbia and Croatia after wars in former Yugoslavia in the 1990-s, and many other very important actions with a long-term impact. Keeping the high-level scientific standards he greatly contributed to reinforce previous and establish new bridges of scientific and educational cooperation, but also for cultural exchange and better understanding of people in former Yugoslavia and between them, Germany and EU in general.
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